Tuesday, 29 May 2012

IKEA is a Student's Best Friend... Unless You Need Delivery

Today's post is sort of a rant. Like many other University students, I've gone home for the summer to stay with my family. In the meantime, my roomates and I have leased a new apartment and we've spent way too much time gushing and planning out every little inch of the tiny new space. We're lucky enough that our landlord allows us to paint our place so we have all the colours picked out, we've scrubbed the whole place spotless (every apartment in Montreal comes old and dirty) and all of our furniture was picked out online. Who would've thought it would be so hard to get it sent to our new home?

A bit of relevant information to this rant: I live with two of my friends. All of us live in different towns across Ontario and we don't have a car available to us in Montreal (who needs a car there, anyway?). So we spend a lot of time online/texting/calling each other to sort out our bills/internet/furniture orders. We needed to order our stuff from IKEA (there's one about 20 minutes from our place in Montreal) and have it brought to our apartment on a day where at least one of us was there. Sounds simple, right? Wrong.

IKEA didn't understand the whole concept of us trying to order our furniture from the Montreal store to send to our Montreal address, from Ontario. They wouldn't accept any of our Ontario phone numbers to call because they were long distance and they told us we had to go into the Montreal store to place an order - we couldn't just order online like everywhere else. Then, when we finally explained how we had a new place in Montreal and we needed it delivered there because we couldn't pick it up from the Montreal store, they finally figured it out. Yay! No, not yay. They would only deliver to our neighbourhood in the morning of weekdays.... as working students living hours away from Montreal - this wouldn't really work. I am now forced to take the day off and, along with my mother, take the train to Montreal to let the delivery men into the apartment, just to get on the train and come right back. I was really hoping to make a weekend of it... At least I won't be doing any heavy lifting.

Sorry for such a long post, I figured that maybe other students who study in a different city may have had a similar issue. It's been a frustrating day.

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