Sunday, 3 June 2012

Project: How to Make a Pinboard

Hello! This weekend I was back in Montreal to finish painting my new apartment and build a ton of IKEA furniture like the pro engineer that I pretend to be. It was what I needed to get myself working on all of the projects I have lined up for my room. Today I made myself a really pretty, super simple pinboard. It's both beautiful to look at and functional! If you don't know what I'm talking about, a pinboard is basically just a board where you can put notes, pictures, postcards, magazine cutouts etc.etc. Here's what I ended up with:

Pretty cute right?! All you need is: A corkboard, some batting to add volume, ribbon, nails or pushpins, a piece of fabric thats about 3 inches bigger than the corkboard on all sides, scissors, a staplegun and a hammer.

1. Lay the fabric down so that the right side is down against the table (or whatever workspace you're working on). Cut the batting so that it's the same size as your corkboard. lay this in the middle of your piece of fabric. Then turn the corkboard over and place it on the batting, with the right side facing down.

2. Pull the fabric up and over to the back of the corkboard on one side. Hold it fairly tightly and use the staple gun to secure it in place. Then do the same for the other sides. It works best to do the top, then the bottom, then the two sides. Make sure to keep the fabric taut when stapling. Fold in or trim off the corners of fabric.

3. Create a crisscross pattern on the front of the board using your ribbon. Secure each piece at the back using the staple gun.

4. Place a decorative nail/pin in the centre of each spot where the ribbons overlap. Hammer them into the board to make sure that they're secure.

Voila! Easy peasy pinboard, done. If I had to redo this, I'd make sure that my pins were in straight lines.. My slight OCD may compel me to fix that at some point in the future.

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